Contact Us

We would love to hear from you and will be happy to address any questions you have. We are committed to your satisfation and delighting you.

Contact us through one of the below options and we will be sure to get back to as soon as we can (in between delighting other customers!).

Important Information

  • Confirmation of order to be done within 72 hours on the type of cake, flavour and filling.
  • No changes can be made to an order after 72 hours.
  • We are based in Atlasville, Benoni, Johannesburg.
  • All orders are pick-up only as we do not currently provide a delivery service.
  • All orders must be placed at least 2 weeks prior to the desired order date.
  • Orders will only be confirmed once the full payment has been made in advance.
  • For security, we do not open any picture links; send all pictures via WhatsApp.
  • Unless agreed upon via a prior arrangement, pick-up time is 9am-5pm (Mon-Thu), 9am-12pm (Fri) and 9am-2pm (Sat). We are closed on Sunday.
  • Cakes are well packed and secured when picked up. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure the cakes are secured during transportation.